Lab Development - Project Management
Compass-Labs will lead to provide end-to-end solution. Every small detail is important for success.
Service Description
Successive program of lab development, requires a perfect plan. Compass-Labs provide a special service for designing a LAB, and also supports customers who have a design already. We will start from this point, take the lead and build the right team for the job. The process involves several meetings, the first one is setting a baseline for the design, technical requirements, infrastructures & timeline. Our approach is End-To-End project management, with 2-3 reviews (full day) for program tracking at customer site [DR- design review at customer site, to approve the design and project timeline, tasks, PMR-Program Management Review to Asses progress, TRR+FAT: Test Readiness Review and Factory Acceptance tests of the complete Lab and software suit]. the customer is always welcome to determine the level of involvement through the program. Success depends mostly on experience, knowledge, cooperation, a good plan and some other factors. It's always recommended to keep few degrees of freedom to allow flexibility of act. * Please note: Services prices do not include travel expenses and third party interactions (if required).

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Contact Details
Tel Aviv District, Israel